Predicting a healthier future

AI-powered prediction and prevention software.

Population health screening at individual level, at near to real-time.

Providing clinically validated outcomes and cost reductions.

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AI outperforms traditional screening

Our automated AI screens patient data with speed and accuracy, outperforming traditional manual approaches. This enables rapid identification of risks such as disease progression across entire populations in real time.

The result? Clinicians can instantly derive powerful new insights about a patient's future health and risks from existing data - transforming records from the past into windows to the future.

5% of patients consume over 80% of hospital resources

Most are vulnerable older people with uncontrolled chronic diseases. Yet 8 in 10 high utilisers are new each year. Their costs can be reduced by early prediction and prevention.

Identify tomorrow’s patients today

Our AI tool can identify ~80% of patients who may be at high risk of disease progression and hospitalisation 6-12 months before it happens. This insight has been proven - in clinical trials and real world applications - to save lives, improve clinical and patient outcomes and enhance efficiency for health systems

Identifying patients
Prevention with precision

We prevent with precision

We leave no stone unturned when it comes to proving impact. Our Randomised Controlled Trial enrolled over 1,700 NHS patients and showed improved survival rates, cost reductions and generated positive patient feedback.

Seamless integration; maximum impact

Our tool is implemented across the UK, Ireland and further afield. We easily integrate into existing systems with minimal disruption and providing high positive impact.

Seamless integration
Predicting risks

Which risks do you want to predict?

This is the first question we ask. As our solution can provide customised prediction and outputs, we build your product to your needs and specifications.

Supported by leading doctors

By using data to better forecast demand and predict outcomes, we were able to manage the resources we had and reduce hospital care costs by 30% per patient. HN's solution is applicable to every ICS and health system

Dr Paddy Hannigan, Clinical Lead, Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent ICS Digital Programme

Dr Paddy Hannigan

Making an impact - and growing fast

Our data-driven solution is seeing increasing uptake across the UK & Ireland, and further afield.

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