Our story

HN was founded in Sweden by a group of clinicians and researchers from the Karolinska Institute including Founder and ex A&E consultant Dr Joachim Werr.

While working in emergency care, Joachim observed a pattern: repeatedly seeing the same patients in crisis.

This perpetual dilemma motivated Joachim to find a way to predict these high-risk individuals earlier, using existing hospital data, so clinicians could intervene before emergencies arise.

From this insight, Joachim founded HN to deliver AI-powered solutions that identify patient risks, enabling preventative care.

Dr Joachim Werr

Our Mission Statement

HN pioneers AI and machine learning on health data to reveal risks and enable proactive, preventative care. We are driven to spearhead the revolution toward predictive healthcare - leveraging technology to shift focus from reactive treatment to data-driven early intervention.

Guided by ethics, we attract top talent to push boundaries improving outcomes through evidence-based innovation. Our success is measured by the patient, clinical, and systemic impact of our AI-powered solutions enabling the evolution to prevention.


HN is founded in Sweden


UK operations established


HN begins randomised controlled trial (RCT) in the NHS


HN RCT from Sweden published in European Journal of Emergency Medicine


HN launches product to identify patients in real-time


East Kent Hospitals and HN jointly win Association of Professional Healthcare Analysts award


First published results from RCT show strong impact of AI Predictive care


Rapid Covid response remote shielding service in partnership with East Kent and SW Staffs CCGs


HN secures prestigious SBRI funding


HN clinical training programme accredited by Personalised Care Institute


HN Predict launches with ability to predict 8/10 patients in real-time


HN expands into Republic of Ireland


HTN Now Award winners in 'Digital ICS Transformation' category


HSJ Partnership Awards winner: 'Most Effective Contribution to Integrated Health and Care


HN RCT published in Emergency Medicine Journal, showing mortality impact reduction

Leadership Team

Joachim Werr MD, PhD

Founder & Executive Chair 

Mark England MBA


Neil Pope

Country Representative Ireland 

Henry Hunt

Chief Operations Officer 

Lee Sykes

Chief Technology Officer 


At HN we’re proud that our team bring an array of qualities and knowledge to the organisation.

Working together as a remote-first organisation, we’ve grown from strength to strength to create better futures for many in healthcare, from those receiving care to those providing care. Our team consists of individuals from clinical backgrounds, PhD data scientists and engineers, software developers and change programme managers. Check out our careers page to see if there's a role that fits the bill for you.

Clinical Quality sub-committee

HN's clinical quality sub-committee provide expert guidance and support on a range of topics, and maintain our focus on maintaining high standards.

Tony O'Brien

HN Non-Executive Director 

Prof. Matthew Cooke

Emergency Medicine Clinician 

Dr Steven Laitner

GP and Public Health Specialist 

Graham Prestwich

Patient Director 

Our Core Values

Foundational principles that shape our beliefs, decisions and behaviour

Data-driven excellence




