2023 has to be the year for an AI-driven breakthrough in healthcare

With the start of a new year, thoughts often turn to two things: reflection on the previous 12 months, and a look ahead to what the future may hold. In this short article I would like to consider the latter, and speculate on how 2023 has to be the breakthrough year for AI in healthcare.

Simply put, I think we’ve reached a watershed moment in healthcare and that 2023 will see the widespread adoption of AI tools to transform care.

With European healthcare systems in crisis care as demand continues to grow and the workforce crises intensifies, the traditional healthcare models are clearly broken and unsustainable. The use of AI in healthcare – specifically AI-powered predictive analytics – offers an incredible and sustainable approach that can improve the allocation of preventative care resources, reduce healthcare costs and deliver better patient outcomes.

The implementation of AI- powered predictive analytics will shift the current state of healthcare from firefighting at the front door to a new, more proactive and longer-term approach that can identify vulnerable patients before they turn up at emergency departments.

Crucially, and unlike other AI tools seen in previous years, technology such as HN’s AI-guided case finding can be easily implemented in healthcare systems as it uses routine healthcare data and does not require extra data collection.

I imagine in 2023 we will also see a shift to more personalised care as the burden of people living with long term conditions and frailty increases. This will need to be more support for self-management, as well as the person-centred approaches.

I am confident 2023 will be the breakthrough year for AI-guided predictive analytics that supports people living with ill-health, enabling them to have better outcomes.

Joachim Werr

Founder and Executive Chair, HN