HN welcomes the release of the revised Code of Conduct from the Department of Health and Social Care

Along with the NHS and central government, it is important for companies such as HN to implement data-driven technology into the healthcare system responsibly.

HN welcomes the release of the revised Code of Conduct now titled ‘A guide to good practice for digital and data-driven health technologies’ from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).

We are committed to follow and demonstrate compliance with the twelve principles enlisted in the document. HN has ensured its AI-guided software, as a data-driven tool to support clinical decision support, is used in a manner that improves the quality and safety of care, in an ethical, evidence-based and transparent way.

At HN, our aim is to create an integrated approach, where technology and frontline clinical staff can effectively collaborate to deliver the best care for patients.

We have taken several steps to ensure our AI models are fair, ethical, and safe:

  • We have developed the internal fairness checklist to ensure all our models are unbiased when it comes to the data they use.
  • We are partnering with NHS Digital, York University and Lloyd’s Register Foundation, to develop guidance and frameworks on AI Assurance, Safety and Fairness which is also relatively new research.
  • We are actively working with Safe Havens across the UK that have access to linked datasets to further test its AI models and Fairness framework.

The HN Data and Analytics Team will be sharing further information over the next few weeks.

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